calling all art lovers

explore & discover more about art collection & creation

Combining years of varied art experience, a collective of local artists founded Blue House Art Space to provide the community with a place to collect art, exhibit work, meet artists and foster expression and make art in a creative space.

We believe that art is for all of us. At Blue House you have the unique opportunity to not just see the work but talk with the artists behind the art. You will find a friendly, non-elitist & accessible space where you can explore & discover more about art creation & collection.

experience & buy art

Engage with the local art culture at Blue House.

Meet Artists

Be curious about the art process & network with artists at Blue House.

Exhibit in Surrey

Exhibit at Blue House in a vibrant space and with support of our founders & artist network.

Your Art Journey

A playful artist or creatively curious? Take part in inspiring workshops at Blue House.

Blue house artspace is a hub of creativity this month, with a diverse curation of art on display and a range of creative sessions taking place.

“a collective space for the artist in us all” - karen crompton